04 مارس

Monthly meeting at Zueitina Oil Company 4-3-2024

A meeting of the operator’s management committee was held this morning, Monday, at the company’s main headquarters. It was chaired by Mr. Khaled Al-Sharif, Chairman of the operator’s management committee, and attended by members of the committee and department directors. The meeting discussed a package of topics related to the company’s activity, the most important problems and difficulties facing its workflow, and the solutions that would To contribute to overcoming the difficulties facing it in the future











قراءة 1636 مرات آخر تعديل على الإثنين, 04 مارس 2024 10:37
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إتـصــل بنـــا

شركة الزويتينة للنفط المركز الرئيسي
10.08.136 شارع سيدي عيسى- الظهرة
طرابلس - ليبيا
صندوق بريد 2134 طرابلس
تليفون: 444.0956 (21) 218+
الفاكس: 333.9109 (21) 218+
بريد الكتروني: info@zueitina.com