03 يوليو

Visit of the Chairman and members of the operator’s management committee and a number of department managers to the fields and Zueitina oil port

 The Chairman and members of the Management Committee and a number of department managers began implementing the field visits program to the fields and Zueitina Port in order to monitor the progress of the company's operations, inspect production facilities, workshops, equipment and laboratories, and direct officials to provide work requirements according to available capabilities, monitor the conditions of field workers, and strive to overcome difficulties and problems facing the work process, urging all users to intensify efforts to improve the company's level. This visit comes within the framework of the company's management's efforts to enhance communication and direct interaction with field work teams and monitor their daily affairs and the challenges they face in completing their work
























قراءة 685 مرات آخر تعديل على الأربعاء, 03 يوليو 2024 10:05
قيم الموضوع
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تـسجـيل الـدخـول

إتـصــل بنـــا

شركة الزويتينة للنفط المركز الرئيسي
10.08.136 شارع سيدي عيسى- الظهرة
طرابلس - ليبيا
صندوق بريد 2134 طرابلس
تليفون: 444.0956 (21) 218+
الفاكس: 333.9109 (21) 218+
بريد الكتروني: info@zueitina.com